I had to think about how to describe this pedal for a while. Yes, it started out as a fancy Rat (and it harkens to its roots), but it's very much more than that. With the drive knob all the way down it's crunchy and a bit lean. The farther up the gain range you go, richness and a bit of heft are added. The cut knob is quite handy for those of us who value our ability to hear high frequencies, and there's probably more output on tap than most of us are likely to need. The note separation is great and it doesn't mind solid state amps (for those of us on the dark side). The overall voicing of this box is somewhere between OD, distortion and fuzz (greatly depending on how far into the drive knob you go). All that and some killer paint jobs (depending on which run you buy from). If you want a reasonably unique sounding dirt box, give this one a whirl.