I got a Chinese copy of a Strandberg (but with solid body, instead of hollow body), and after that my guitar tech fixed and adjusted it properly, I have to say it is not bad at all.
But I don't like the pickups a lot; they are maybe a copy of passive EMG, I'm not sure.
They are a little muddy, and comparing the recorded tone with my favorite guitar, I see that I should cut a lot around 300 Hz to get a nice sound from the bridge pickup.
I'd love your suggestions for modern rock music, some flexibility and good clarity and definition (and no shrill highs at all).
I'm looking at Fred and Titan for the bridge position, but I don't know them even if the reviews and descriptions could be good for what I'm looking for. They are just an example, and I'm really open to your comments and suggestions.
Since the pickups are angled, I need a standard spaced pickup, so I can't consider the pickups that are available only in F-spaced size.
This is my new "toy":
Later I'll look at the neck pickup, too. And probably my favorite choice could be the Humbucker from Hell.
But before replacing the original pickup, I'll try to tweak it by adding a capacitor in series to cut some bass frequencies.