So I had another hair-brained idea and air'd out my Dominion. But I also used the magnet from an Imperium (3/16" as opposed to the stock 1/8" with the little foam pad underneath it as well). I know this is an oddly specific mod' and not everyone would be able to perform it (or willing to sacrifice two core components of a fantastic Imperium just on a whim). But on to what you want to hear. The Dominion, in the context of my guitar/amp/pedals is rather cave-man-esque and... tense is probably the best word I can come up with. It does lose a bit of power, but the more powerful magnet makes up for that a bit. The mids are just as warm and growling, the lows have a bit more authority and the highs are more open. Everything relaxed so much, the note separation is quite a bit better and there's a more musical and 'singy' feel. This is now the best mod' I've ever performed. It's still not the most dynamic pickup in the world, but it's so much more fun to play now.