While I’m a big fan of SatchTrack, and Fred and MoJoe and Satch tone in general - I don’t really like Satchur8, I personally think it would sound too big for you. In many ways it sounds like a big fat FRED. But to my ears it lacks a character, sounds a bit dull.
Instead, in your case I’d try a JB — but with 250 kohm load, if you haven’t already. It sounds just like you describe you want it to sound. However that’s with the 250 k load, with 500 it sounds bigger, louder, spikier and like a high output pickup, with 250 it’s more sort of medium output - perceived anyway. I know you said you don’t like it tonally but 250 kohm load makes it imho into a different pickup altogether.
I’m not trying to persuade you against the Satchur8 - you may just love it - but I’m simply saying getting a used JB shouldn’t be a problem, and you can score them cheap on evilbay (or your local used ads site) if you look long enough for one, then you can compare. And flip back one you like less. FWIW, I think you’ll like JB more, I know I do.