Apologies if I’m stating the obvious, here:
First off, the treble bleed mod won’t interfere with any of the switching options - It’s just a capacitor and resistor on the ground lug of your volume pot. Coil splitting both pickups can be done with a single DPDT switch. For series/parallel switching, each pickup will require its own DPDT switch. In this case, two push-pulls limits you to the following switching options:
- One switch for coil splitting both pickups, one switch for phase reversal.
- One switch for bridge series/parallel, one switch for neck series/parallel.
You can also do series/parallel switching for, say, just the neck pup, and use the other switch for phase or splitting both.
In case you’re unfamiliar with the sounds of a humbucker’s coils in parallel vs splitting to one of the coils: You generally expect a split humbucker to have half the output. A humbucker with its coils in parallel will sound closer to its split sound than its series sound, but still humcancelling.
Personally, I’ve owned guitars with separate splitting and parallel options, and found the sounds to be redundant. I recommend choosing one or the other, based on whether you prefer all switching options be humcancelling, or want the “legit” single coil hum that comes with splitting.
If you prefer the idea of humcancelling parallel, I recommend using each pot for series/parallel switching, plus a DPDT mini-toggle for phase switching. If you want the authenticity of the 60-cycle hum, then you can use the two-pot option I mentioned above.
Dimarzio has schematics for all of these options on their pickup pages.