I'm hoping someone has information on this topic that I don't.
The only 7-string DiMarzios I've seen with chrome tops (I'm referring to the individual, mirrored tops that you can get on some 6-string models) are on 7-string artist guitars and on one of the Universe 25th Anniversary models:
I've written to DiMarzio on a couple occasions now--hoping to special-order some chrome-topped 7-string pups for special projects, but both times they've simply said "Sorry, not possible." Not quite that blunt, but pretty close.
I was under the impression that, if you're willing to pay (and wait), that DiMarzio would do special orders like this. Anyone have any info on this type of thing, or am I just flat out of luck? I sometimes feel like maybe I'm going through the wrong channels at DiMarzio (I just send an email to their tech/support dept).