« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2015, 04:25:12 AM »
I had one installed in a 24 fret guitar in the neck position which was wired in parallel. I found it too bright that way so I added a small capacitor to ground. Volume and tone pots were 500k each.
Cheers Stephan

Area 67, Area 58, Area 61, VV Pro 54, Injectors, VV HB2, Virtual Solo, SDS-1, Area T, Area T 615, Virtual Hot T, Chopper T, Bluesbucker, Breed set, Air Norton, Super Distortion, DLX+ set, DLX-90, DP240, DP198, DP168, VPAF b, AT-1, Mo' Joe, FRED, Super 2; GS b