Greetings, Earthlings! This is my first post on your fine forum.
I have a 2005 PRS Custom 24. I've owned this guitar for 10 years. It's #1 and always will be. Complete with it's matched Virtual PAF humbuckers, installed in '06. Not even the Hot. Straight up VPAFs. For nearly 10 years! At the time, I also modified the McCarty switching. Each pot is a push/pull, which puts a pickup into parallel. So there's a lot of combinations here.
I've always played another style of guitar as a backup. Usually a Tele or Ric. But I've started using a lot of alternate tunings and so I'm contemplating a custom build. Think Fano LPjr if that helps (and if not, just think LP without the maple top).
I need pickups! And Dimarzio doesn't make the VPAF anymore. What I love about them is they're balanced and clear sounding. There's not a lot of gain, which allows my amp and pedals to do the work (Skreddy Hybrid Fuzz Driver -> GGG Red Llama clone -> Catalinbread Echorec -> Allen Encore).
I've used the Air Norton in the bridge of an old Ibanez RG, and that sounds cool. But I think it might be too hot, and have too much bottom end for a mahogany hardtail. The Air Classic was the pickup I passed on way back in '06, though it's a consideration.
What recommendations do you young whippersnappers have for an old Rip Van Winkle like me?