Which one of these neck pick ups is leanest in the bass: Air Classic-EJ Custom-Paf Master-Bluesbucker- HFH?
I think the DP 103 (36th) shouldn't be on this list.
I currently have the Paf Master and Bluesbucker and they're similar in the low end although the BB might be a touch leaner.
I had the HFH a while ago and had an EJ over 10 years ago and can't recall how they sounded. And I've never heard the Air Classic.
I'd consider putting an A3 in any of these (except the BB).
However, I don't want to "air" or "de-air" any of them. I've done that to many pick-ups and also have made hybrids (even DMZ/Duncan hybrids!) and I'm done with that- I ruin them too often.
As far as pick up height and screw/slug height, the "Air" pick ups just loose their sparkle if they are lowered, like I tried with the Paf Master.
I've even messed with every combination of bobbin/screw/screw height and removing some slugs...
I'd like to rule out split coil and parallel wiring because that just confuses the issue.
So, does anyone out there have some experienced opinions on this?
And, has anyone actually tried ALL of these pick ups?
Thanks for reading this lengthy post- I'll appreciate any feedback.