So, I got a Tone Zone to play with after about 11 years of having briefly owned one.
What can I say... again at first I thought: wow this is the biggest and best sound ever! How can anyone not love this?
But the more I played the more I felt overwhelmed by it... it's just too much! And the dynamics are just too compressed. Someone somewhere said that the Tone Zone feels like you have a boost pedal or compressor in there that is always on. And yes, I totally agree with this statement. While I like the basic tone, I feel there's no dynamics whatsoever and it's just pure slegde-hammer all the time.
I fiddled with height but could not come to a dynamic interaction I would love.
So I figured what the hell, and I started reading about the Half-Air mod!
Now I'm not one to fiddle with stuff - in fact I'm a bit incompetent when it comes to technical stuff, but I figured if I ruined the pickup - heck it's just a relatively small amount I wasted. So I gave it a shot!
Lonephantom's guide was easy enough so even a technically handicapped person like myself could easily follow it: the mod felt super easy to do. Just remove the 4 screws, carefully open the brass plate, use a screwdriver to remove the magnet and the little metal plate that latches onto the screws and put the magnet back in. put the brass cover back on and you're set!
Now I know that lonephantom aired the slugs (magnet touching only the screws). So I figured, why not try it the other way around first - so airing the screws first (magnet only touching the slugs).
So I put the magnet next to the slugs, put the brass plate back on and re-strung the guitar.
Result: The ToneZone felt a touch tamed down, but much fuzzier. There was a fuzzy quality all of the sudden. So that went the opposite direction of what I wanted.
Strings back off, pickup off, opened brass plate, and put the magnet now only touching the screws. Brass plate back on, installed the pickup back, strings back on.
Again, a tamed-down ToneZone but now a brighter tone - clearer and a bit improved dynamics.
I like it much more! (plus LonePhantom had it right from the very beginning)
So the moral of this long post:
If you have a Tone Zone you like but sometimes feel overwhelmed by it, try the half air mod with the magnet touching only the screws. Opens up the Tone Zone and improves the dynamics. It's not night and day - the tone is still "Tone Zone" and the change is subtle - but just enough to be worth doing it.
Btw. I found you don't even need to put anything inbetween the small air gap as the magnet clinches on to the screws by magnetic force, thus keeping it from moving around.