I have a RG470 with the original V7 on the neck and a DiMarzio Super Distortion for bridge.
I really don't dislike the V7 pickup, but I want to change it with something better and maybe slightly higher output.
I have an Air Norton (the JP Custom version) and D-Sonic on a cheaper RG that I don't use anymore.
I really like the dark and compressed tone of the Air Norton(neck) on basswood guitars, but I am not good enough to ear the differences between D-Sonic and Super Distortion.
Is it a good idea to switch the V7 with the Air Norton and match it with the SD on the 470? Do you prefer the D-Sonic over the SD?
Somebody suggest me to buy a PAF 36th as an alternative to the Air Norton. I am reading only positive reviews about it, but I am afraid it will be too bright on my RG. What do you think?