I am a strat player who is in love with the truest single coil tones possible. I play full time in a variety of situations that don't allow for 60 cycle hum... I started using the Virtual Vintage series shortly after they came out in the mid '90's.. I really liked them, because at that time, they seemed to be the closest to the real deal... The only problem that I had with them is in the bridge position.. I like a fairly fat sound in the bridge, more like a tele bridge tone, but still very single coil sounding. Just fatter and warmer.. I have an old VV Solo Pro and VV Blues (both from the '90's) that I tried in the bridge pos of my strats, but no matter what I did I couldn't dial out this super high-end, upper presence-y frequency that was like an icepick to my ears.. While both of these pickups sounded hotter and fatter, neither of them had any warmth... Fast forward to the present. I'm currently using the Area 58 and 67 in the middle and neck, which are superb.. I still haven't found a bridge pickup that can do what I described earlier.. I'm leaning toward the 54 Pro or the Injector series.. Any thoughts?