I’ve tried it and the PAF Joe in the bridge of different guitars. Though they were both developed with asymmetrical coils for the sake of getting that specific notched, vocal/tubular sound in the neck position, it translates to a bright PAF sound in bridge position. Forgive my purely subjective impressions when I say that they struck me as sounding like a 36th anniversary PAF tweaked to fall somewhere between the EJ bridge and Humbucker from Hell, in terms of bright pickups. I’m not much for single-sized bridge humbuckers; so putting the Satch Track in the bridge was never intended to be more than a goof. But I’m still tweaking the (similarly voiced) PAF Joe in the bridge of one guitar and, so far, I haven’t swapped it out for a 36 like I expected to.
If you’re asking because you have an unused Satch Track, I’d hazard to say that it’s close enough to the Chopper and Pro Track that you wouldn’t need to buy either one. If you’re asking for the sake of buying a Satch Track to use in the bridge, I’d recommend trying the Pro Track or Chopper first; being as the ST derives from both.