I currently have the stock Dimarzio/Ibz pickups in my guitar, they get too muddy sometimes, I need clarity, they also are pretty aimed towards 80s style so I need more versatility.
I play in a hard rock band so I need a shred bridge tone, but I am also starting to get into other styles of music, namely fusion so I need decent jazzy and funk cleans.
My setup is fine for what I do (shred) and I don't think the problem's there (Carvin V3m), also has a devent clean channel.
I check both the DiMarzio samples and youtube stuff, I think no one on youtube is dumb enough to record pickup demos on an iPhone, there are pretty good sample sounds on youtube, compression makes ait a bit inaccurate it but I need to listen to the sound from someone other than DiMarzio trying to shove it's products in my face.