Yet another great tune. I loved the video as well. The only thing? The older lady looking back reminded me of the Denzel movie "Fallen" where the demon would pass from person to person by touch. It reminded me of the scene where it passes from person to person right in front of him and settles on a old guy who turns around confronts him and then looks at him with the same grin as this old lady. She creeped me out, man. I hope it's not a relative.
You do some very nice work, and I think the video suits your song, which I love. That would be a great tune to listen to while I'm cruising the back roads in my '68 Cougar. Just loud enough to be heard, but not so loud as to drown out the sound of that small block v8 at full roar. Just a great I'm gonna take a drive and clear my head tune. You gotta keep them coming.