The Pickup Place / Re: PAF pickups that are close in brightness to singles?
« Last post by darkbluemurder on Today at 03:39:56 AM »Hi,
I have two guitars, one is a Strat with a set of Heavy Blues 2 / Area 61 / VV 54 Pro, and the other is Firebird Studio with PAF Master set. There is a colossal difference in brightness between, and I'd like to reduce it somehow. I used to have yet another guitar where I put the Air Classic NECK in the bridge position, and I remember that being much closer in brightness to the singles. I still have that pickup, so I was thinking of replacing the Masters; I'd put the Air Classic Neck in the bridge, but what would pair well with that pickup in the neck position? Is EJ Custom a good candidate, and would I go then with the bridge or the neck model?
Keep in mind that the guitars themselves may be very different in brightness due to the construction and woods. Also, the VV Heavy Blues 2 in the bridge position is still a very bright pickup. I personally prefer the Injector bridge. That one would reduce the brightness but since you were not saying the Heavy Blues 2 was too bright I do not advise changing it.
Since you already have the Air Classic Neck why not try that in the bridge first to see whether you like it there.
As regards bright and tight neck pickups that is a quite difficult task. The one I liked most so far is the Fralin Twangmaster. That one would reduce the brightness difference between the guitars to almost nothing. I also have used the Seymour Duncan Full Shred neck but with mixed results. In one guitar it sounded great (well it still does), in another ok, in one too thin and in one too fizzy so it is guitar sensitive.
No experience with the Air Classics, PAF Masters or EJ models, unfortunately.
Cheers Stephan