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Messages - Art Vandelay

Pages: [1]
The Pickup Place / Re: Stacked Humbucker to pair with Crunchlab
« on: March 08, 2017, 05:38:40 AM »
Satch Track is a great pickup, but output-wise it will be a drop from the Crunch Lab. If you listen to interviews from Satriani for the last several years talking about his sig guitars, you can surmise that the ST was designed to be a slightly leaner Chopper.

The Crunch Lab is a beast. I'd start with the Chopper. I've used both extensively and they will pair very well.

If you want to hear a ton of the Chopper in the neck, listen to Bumblefoot's "Normal" album. The majority of the guitar parts on it are Tone Zone in the bridge and Chopper in the neck.

Thanks for the bumblefoot reference, I will listen to it.

The pro track as my second choice, but given your direct experience with the chopper I'll consider it too.

What about the chopper clean / light overdrive tone?

Sorry for the slow responses.


The Pickup Place / Re: Stacked Humbucker to pair with Crunchlab
« on: March 06, 2017, 02:59:23 PM »
I haven't tried the Crunch Lab but I have had all those railbucker you list and the Satch Track is my absolute favorite. It's very close to the Chopper but I think its a tiny bit brighter, less compressed and slightly leaner in the bass. It sounds "cleaner" and clearer than the Chopper. I'd say go for the ST.

The Pro Track is cool but darker. The ANS is A LOT darker and pretty muddy.


I was looking at some vids and the ANS seems too dark.

The ST still my favorite, but I haven't made a final decision

The Pickup Place / Re: Stacked Humbucker to pair with Crunchlab
« on: March 03, 2017, 02:42:58 AM »
Hi Stephan,

I'm leaning towards the pro track or the Satch. As you pointed out maybe the added brightness of the Satch can be a good thing.


The Pickup Place / Stacked Humbucker to pair with Crunchlab
« on: March 02, 2017, 03:27:11 AM »
Hi Guys,

I'm looking for some advice for choosing a neck pickup.

I have a HSS guitar with the following specs:

Solid body : Alder/basswood (not sure)
Bridge: vintage trem
Neck: 24 frets, bolt-on maple neck, rosewood fingerboard
Pickup configuration - HSS: CrunchLab (Bridge), Cruiser Bridge (Middle), Cruiser Bridge (Neck)

I really like the Crunchlab, and the Cruiser on middle position sounds ok, but I have some issues with the Cruiser on neck:

1) When I installed the current pickups I knew from the beginning that there would be a volume difference between bridge and neck, at first it wasn't a problem, but right now I'm looking for a neck pickup that can match the output of the Crunchlab so I can switch back and forth between neck/bridge with almost no volume changes.

2) It does not respond well to pick attack, it lacks punch and bite when accentuating notes no matter how hard I pick the string. I tried adjusting the height of the pickup, but it didn't worked.

I've been looking at other dimarzios and it seems that regarding the output level there are some alternatives:

- Air Norton S
- The Chopper
- Pro Track
- Satch Track Neck

I would like to know which of these pickups (I'm open to other suggestions and brands) will sound good for fusion/blues and also solve my current issues.

Thanks in advanced!!!

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