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Messages - Lewis1965

Pages: [1]
The Pickup Place / Re: What Model/Date are these Dimarzios?
« on: March 29, 2017, 12:04:00 AM »
Thanks Slim for your feedback...That's great information...I appreciate your time on this..It has been driving me nuts not knowing...Now I have some info on them

Big thanks fellas...

The Pickup Place / Re: What Model/Date are these Dimarzios?
« on: March 19, 2017, 08:17:52 PM »
Any more takers?...:(

The Pickup Place / Re: What Model/Date are these Dimarzios?
« on: March 13, 2017, 01:13:58 PM »
Thanks Wildwind...Thanks for the info...You are right any communication is better than none and your nfo is very valid too...I started to wonder if I was going mad or not...Seems every time I put 'Dimarzio' into an email or forum I was getting

Thanks for the response...Lets hope someone else sees and I get more info...I included the output in the initial post

Thanks again...

The Pickup Place / Re: What Model/Date are these Dimarzios?
« on: March 09, 2017, 04:24:52 PM »
Anybody out there?

The Pickup Place / What Model/Date are these Dimarzios?
« on: March 01, 2017, 09:32:38 AM »
Ok fellas....First off..Thanks in advance for any information on these pickups...I am struggling to find the model and date on them and have been unsuccessful in getting a reply from the Dimarzio tech team after 3 emails to them (they must be very busy) so I have pasted my email below...

Thanks again fellas...Happy playing!

Dear Sir,
I wonder if you can help me identify some old Dimarzio Pickups (see pics) ...I got them from an old guitar I had given to me from a friend...The guitar was a cheap Les Paul copy  from the 70’s or 80’s I am guessing...I can’t remember if it was the 'Hondo II' or not but if it wasn’t it was pretty similar...The guitar was pretty badly bashed so I salvaged the hardware, took off the bolt on neck and binned the rest...Anyway I hope you can tell me which model of pickup these might be and what age they are...I have a Gibson SG '1973' that I have them in...and I love them!
They measure at 8.40 and 8.70 kHz on my multimeter..
I hope you can help me and I hope this doesn’t take too much of your time...
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

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