« on: December 02, 2019, 10:58:50 AM »
I'm using Mezzabarba amps (Skill and TRINITY- super high end gear) and Caparison guitars for classic metal VH/Randy Rhoads ect.
I have used the AT -1 for years and owned an Andy Timmons Ibanez. Never ever would I describe that pick up as 'ice picky' it's balanced and just the right amount of hotness to allow me to shred with face melting tone. I'll post some clips later.
Side note I put a SD in my other Capa guitar and it works but does not knock my socks off at all. It would stay in there if not compared to my AT equipped guitars, but the SD just does not allow the harmonic content of the gain to bring out the mids I like. Of course this is my ears, rig ect.
Just my 2 cents!