The Pickup Place / Starting points for Super D and PAF ?
« on: June 21, 2020, 01:34:28 AM »
So. I have this super cool Westbury standard ..one of the original ones. But modified extensively. Never seen anything like it! But anyway. It has a super d in the bridge and paf in the neck. I know, it is entirely a subjective thing "use my ears" and so on. And I have. I've also read all the blogs from stewmac,, Seymour Duncan etc. I have a handle on the conventional wisdom. But knowledge ain't a bad thing. What I have *not* seen is the exact specs from super d/paf owners regarding their pickup height. Not to copy them ofc. Nothing like that. If I use dimarzios suggested baseline,well it seems to be too close. So where is a good starting point for the super d, height wise? Where do you have yours set? Is it uniform or tilted(bass/treble) ? Also, same re paf (neck) and lastly, what is your pickup height setting procedure/best praxis? Thank y'all! (Pics linked)https://m.imgur.com/a/DzbBs8N