« on: December 05, 2018, 04:30:29 AM »
Hello fellow DiMarzio fans!
I'm a player of a guitar for few years now, and I've decided to upgrade the pickups on my LP Special. It has stock gibson pickups, of which bridge I actually like but neck is really muddy. I'd want to change them into something else. I've tried Evo Neck in a basswood RG and absolutely loved it, however I never really tried Evo or Evo 2 bridge at all. How do they sound in mahogany? I know they were originally designed for basswood which is the reason why I wanted to ask before I buy them just to find out they sound bad, or something.
I usually play alternative rock, some old school metal, power/speed metal, and looking for a aggressive cutting percussive sound on the rhythm and sustainy singing melodic lead/shred tone.
Also, as I am a girl guitar player and love the color purple, where can I order whichever set I pick in color purple, or DiMarzio doesn't allow that?