Building a Partcaster (Soloist body) and plan on using an AT-1 in the bridge and a Chopper in the neck. I would like to keep it simple in terms of switching - I don't need it to do everything (I have other guitars), but would like a little versatility. Here is what I'm considering so far:
1 Volume, No tone pot, 1 5-way blade switch if I can get away with it.
Pos 1: Bridge in series
Pos 2:

Pos 3: Bridge and Neck together in series (some will say it's too muddy, but it's worth a try to get that fat, boosted tone)
Pos 4: Neck in parallel
Pos 5: Neck in series
Any ideas for Position 2?
Also, can I do everything above with nothing but a 4 pole 5-way switch?
I thought about Bridge and Neck in parallel for position 2, but from everything I have read, the differences in impedance may make that a poor choice (16.3 vs. 9.16 KOhm).