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Topics - kavoo

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I'm building Dave Murray vintage strat replica. Just bought a set of old vingate DiMarzio DP100/DP103, but there's one more pickup to buy to complete my little project - single coil for the middle position. And that's where the problem starts... I cannot decide which DiMarzio single coil pickup will suit my needs best.

The idea is that my guitar electronics will be based on two circuits selectable by push-pull volume knob. In one position it will be classic HSH config. In the other - some sort of a SSS config (both DP100 and DP103 splitted).

I've listened to tons of clips on YouTube and cannot decide which SC pickup will be best for this setup. There are so many fine sounding choices... Virtual Vintage Blues, Virtual Vintage 54 Pro, Area 58, Area 61, Area 67...

Could you please advise me which one I should get keeping in mind that in the SSS config (with DP100/103 running on just one coil) I would love to get as close as possible to the Hendrix area tonewise? Of course I'm aware it will be pretty hard to achieve a Hendrix tone since my guitar will have a splitted humbucker in the neck position instead of proper single coil pickup... but something's gotta give.

The Pickup Place / Splitting old vintage 70s Super Distortion and PAF
« on: April 03, 2016, 09:40:35 AM »

I've just bought old DiMarzio Super Distortion and PAF at Ebay, both pickups are from 70s. Don't know about PAF (it wasn't showed on pictures), but the Super Distortion have 3 wires. I believe PAF also have 3 wires. I know that modern production have 5 wires (red, green, white, black, bare).

Will it be possible to split those pickups in my strat?

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